Welcome to the Northwest Region’s bit of the internet.
Our members’ cars cover the full history and spectrum of Porsche cars, rear engine, mid-engine transaxle and electric from 356 to 992, Macan, Cayenne, Panamera and Taycan, via Boxster and Cayman.
The region is run by a voluntary committee, Malcolm and Steve, who took over the reins in March 2023. If you do join in you will find that food nearly always has a place in our events, whether it’s a “Chippy Tea”, Breakfast Meet, or a drive out with a lunch stop, very often in stunning scenery.
We are a friendly group and prospective members are more than welcome to come and meet us at our monthly club night and chat on our Facebook page, North West Region – Porsche Enthusiasts Club | Facebook to see what we are all about.
Join for Club Night on the 2nd Monday of every month.
With effect from Monday April 10th 2023 we meet at The Hartwood Hall, Preston Road, Chorley PR6 7AX. This new venue has a large carpark to the rear of the building, which is overlooked by the area that will be reserved for us. The pub is just a few hundred yards, or metres if you prefer, from Junction 8 of the M61, making it, in travelling time terms, right at the heart of our region. Join us from 7pm to grab a drink, a bite to eat or just chat cars. There will be a club update from 7.30pm.
Regional Organising Committee: Steve Milnes and Malcolm Edwards
Email: northwest@tipec.net
Plans for 2024
Saturday March 9th – Scenic Drive to Harewood House Spring Artisan Market
Depart Starbucks Clitheroe A59 at 8.30am
Monday March 11th – Club Night at The Hartwood Hall – Club Business from 7.30pm
Friday March 15th – The First Third Friday Coffee – TFC @The Hartwood
Our new weekday, daytime social gathering starts off from 10.00am at The Hartwood Hall. We will be meeting from around 10.00 am, until midday to talk Porsche, drink coffee – tea if you must – and maybe have a bite to eat.
Sunday March 24th – Unique Porsche Event, Westhoughton Cricket Club 10.00am
Friends of the Region Unique Porsche are having a gathering at Westhoughton Cricket Club and would like to see as many of us as possible. Details are still being finalised as this is being typed, but please put the date in your dairy.
Sunday March 31st – Motoburo Easter Meetster 2.0
This is an event for any petrolhead, with a mix of custom and restoration cars on display, the address is Motoburo, Vulcan Street, Brighouse HD6 1LZ and the day starts at 10.30am. If there is interest, we will arrange a muster point for a run over.
Sunday April 7th – Ribblehead Viaduct and Breakfast – please note change of date.
It seems an age since we went to our favourite regional photo point, so it is time to remedy the situation. This will be a drive from Ribblehead, for breakfast, with a planned meeting time of 8.30am, allowing us to each make our own way, at our own pace to the viaduct for a natter and photo opportunity before heading off for breakfast around 45 minutes away.
Monday April 8th – Club Night at The Hartwood Hall – Club Business from 7.30pm
Tuesday April 16th – Three Sisters Track Evening
Our first track outing of the year. Track time will be from 5.00pm to 9.00pm with the circuit closing at 10pm. This is an ideal session for an introduction to track days in a safe environment.
Friday April 19th – Third Friday Coffee – TFC @The Hartwood 10.00am
Saturday May 4th – The Blyton Blast 2024
North West Region organised track day, open to all card-carrying members, details from Malcolm, GLZ944@mail.com.
Monday May 13th – Club Night at The Hartwood Hall – Club Business from 7.30pm
Friday May 17th – Third Friday Coffee – TFC @The Hartwood 10.00am
Sunday May 19th – Presentation to North West Air Ambulance – Barton Aerodrome – Date Subject to confirmation
Following on from the amazing amount of money that our members raised through the raffle at the December Club Night, this won’t just be a photo opportunity with a big cheque. We will be getting hanger access and taster sessions on the 737 or 747 simulators. Full details are still being worked out, but save the date.
Sunday June 2nd – Supercar Showtime Houghton Tower
This fundraiser for Derian House, supported by friends of the region Porsche Centre Bolton returns this summer. If you would like to attend and have your car on our pitch, please book at https://supercarshowtime.co.uk and use TIPEC where it asks if you are part of a club. This is a great event, at an interesting location raising money for a fabulous cause.
Thursday 6th June – Three Sisters Karting Evening with BBQ
It looks like we are trying to stake a claim on Three Sisters as our home form home, but it is a great and reasonably priced venue. This event will involve a late afternoon arrival and briefing, followed by a Grand Prix style Karting competition.
Monday June 10th – Club Night at The Hartwood Hall – Club Business from 7.30pm
Sunday 16th June – Lytham Green Car Show – In Aid of Rosemere Cancer Charity
We know that there are a lot of you who love showing your cars, so we propose that this event will be the main show that we attend this summer. If you would like to attend please can you book in by the end of March to guarantee a large enough space for all of our cars., Once you have booked your car in, please drop Malcolm an email to glz944@mail.com so we can make sure everyone attending knows what is happening on the day.
Friday June 21st – Third Friday Coffee – TFC @The Hartwood 10.00am
Sunday June 23rd – The Great Way Round – Mid Summer Run
This is the closest Sunday to the longest day, so we will be heading off for a day long adventure. The plan is for a circular drive, with an opportunity for breakfast, a light lunch and an optional evening meal.
Monday July 8th – Club Night at The Hartwood Hall – Club Business from 7.30pm
Friday July 19th – Third Friday Coffee – TFC @The Hartwood 10.00am
Sunday 28th July Avro Bomber Trip – Avro Museum, Woodford
This is a rare chance to get out cars under, or as close as we can, the delta wing of this cold war warrior. This will now just be a day trip, with a run out into the Peak District in the afternoon.
Wednesday August 7th – Mission Motorsport Three Sisters Event
This Porsche only track session for the veteran’s and their families supported by Mission Motorsports is now confirmed. This is a great event to get involved with, for many of us getting in to our cars is a daily occurrence, for many of the visitors it will be the highpoint of their year.
Monday August 12th – Club Night at The Hartwood Hall – Club Business from 7.30pm
Friday August 16th – Third Friday Coffee – TFC @The Hartwood 10.00am
Monday September 9th – Club Night at The Hartwood Hall – Club Business from 7.30pm
September – The North East 250
There is a reserve list for this four-day, three night around some of Scotland’s finest roads.